Google Apps for Education at NOVA (FAQ)

What is Google Apps at NOVA?
Google Apps at NOVA provides a NOVA gateway to Google’s online services, allowing you to take advantage of Google’s email, productivity, and collaboration tools while maintaining your address.

Can I sign up if I already have Gmail?
Yes. Your email account through Google Apps at NOVA will have its own address. This will not affect your personal Gmail account.

How do I find my username and password to log into my Google Apps email?
You should use the same username and password you have been using through MY NOVA on the NOVA homepage to access your new email system, Blackboard and the Student Information System.

If you do not remember your username or password, click on My NOVA on the NOVA homepage and then click on Look up your username and set your password.

How does it work?
You will use you’re My NOVA username and password to log into Google’s web-based applications through My NOVA on NOVA’s homepage. Once you have activated your Google Apps at NOVA account, you will be able to use any of Google’s services you wish to use.

What is the same?
Emails will continue to be delivered and addresses will not change. will continue to be the email address format and the URL through My NOVA for the email web site will remain the same.

What is different?
What will change are the interface and options available to students and faculty (all faculty have student email accounts). Email storage is increased to 6.5 GB. You will have access to Google Docs, Calendar, Talk, Sites, and a Start Page.

What are the student email guidelines?
Electronic mail or "email" is an official method for communication at the Virginia Community College System (VCCS) because it delivers information in a convenient, timely, cost effective, and environmentally aware manner. Click here to read use guidelines. -